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Jagger, P. and G. Shively. 2015. Taxes and Bribes in Uganda. Journal of Development Studies 51(1): 66-79.
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Jagger, P., M.K. Luckert, A. Duchelle, J.F. Lund and W.D. Sunderlin. 2014. Tenure and Forest Income: Observations from a Global Study on Forests and Poverty. World Development 64(Supplement 1): S43-S55.
Jagger, P. 2010. Forest Sector Reform, Livelihoods and Sustainability in Western Uganda. In Governing Africa’s Forests in a Globalized World, L. German, A. Karsenty and A.M. Tiani eds. London, UK: Earthscan Publications Ltd. and Center for International Forestry Research. Pp 103-125.
Reyes-Garcia, V., V. Vadez, J. , T. Huanca and P. Jagger. 2010. The Uneven Reach of Decentralization: A Case Study among Indigenous Peoples in the Bolivian Amazon. International Political Science Review March: 229:243.
Bartley, T., K. Andersson, P. Jagger and F. van Laerhoven. 2008. The Contribution of Institutional Theories to Explaining Decentralization of Natural Resource Governance. Society and Natural Resources 21(2): 160-174.
Jagger, P. and M.K. Luckert. 2008. Investments and Returns from Cooperative and Household Managed Woodlots in Zimbabwe: Implications for Rural Afforestation Policy. Land Use Policy 25(1): 139-152.
Jagger, P., J. Pender and B. Gebremedhin. 2005. Trading-off Environmental Sustainability for Empowerment and Income: Woodlot Devolution in Northern Ethiopia. World Development 33(9): 1491-1510.
Jagger, P. and J. Pender. 2003. The Role of Trees for Sustainable Management of Less Favored Lands: The Case of Eucalyptus in Ethiopia. Forest Policy and Economics 3(1): 83-95.
Grundy, I., J. Turpie, P. Jagger, E. Witkowski, I. Guambe, D. Semwayo and A. Solomon. 2000. Implications of Co-Management for Benefits from Natural Resources for Rural Households in Northeastern Zimbabwe. Ecological Economics 33(3): 369-381.